Preventive Maintenance and Repairs Overview

Vendor Selection and Oversight:We are able to provide the following services by using our Personal Service Vendors OR we may use your existing Personal Service Contacts.   This option is solely dependent on you, the Home Owner, in regards to whom you would like to utilize for these Home Services.

At Prestige Estate Home Management preventive maintenance is our personal goal & priority. The more that we can anticipate potential issues that may occur the easier it will be to prevent them from actual occurring. This is the sole reason on why we make it our priority to consistently inspect, detect, and protect your home from minor problems turning into major liabilities.

When potential issues are not addressed immediately the costs of these repairs may become overwhelming and most of these issues can be prevented with basic routine preventive maintenance and oversight. Troubleshooting performed by Prestige Estate Home Management includes:


  • Repair leaky faucets
  • Replace Air Conditioning (AC) filters
  • Insulate water heater
  • Clean gutters and downspouts
  • Monitor appliances
  • Test electrical outlets
  • Replace smoke alarm batteries
  • Inspect outside of home for deterioration
  • Other seasonal and situational maintenance